Making Healthy Smiles
General & Family Dentist
in North Platte, NE
Through our comprehensive dental services—which include regular cleanings, root canals, teeth whitening, custom mouth guards, oral surgery, and so much more—we’re the family dentist in North Platte that can accommodate the whole family. From pediatric dentistry to general oral health, you’ll have every dental service you need at Pratt Dental!
Healthy Smiles
Membership Club
No insurance? No problem!
Enjoy lower fees and transparent pricing for the whole family
by joining today.
Why Choose Pratt Dental?
We genuinely love what we do, provide comprehensive dental services for the whole family, and have an experienced, friendly team that you’ll enjoy being around. Most of our staff, including Dr. Pratt, are North Platte natives, so we love calling North Platte home.
It’s an honor for us to provide dental services to the people of this great town, and we take our responsibility to help you achieve great oral health very seriously.
We Look Forward to
Hearing From You
Contact us today to set up an appointment or learn more about our dental office! Call 308-221-2800 or send us an email today!